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Get API key from Google and insert it to plugin properties to enable maps on your website.
Yes Star network app is legit. This is a Social Defi app. You can become an Explorer of this Universe and collect countless shining stars by using Star Network app. Actually “Star” is a digital currency of Star network.
Currently Star has no value but it will gain value with the passage of time after its exchange listings. This is Amazing Project! A perfect combination of 🥳Fun & Finance💵.


Tap the 🚀Rocket sign🚀 daily for mining Stars, and enjoy your galaxy ride! You can boost mining speed from Draw Power-Up daily. You need Libra Token for KYC, so Draw Libra Token daily, be lucky, and you will also get KYC notification!

( You can use my invitation code: kevinclean ) you can download it here

Let's mine Stars together.